
PQF Basics

The Polish Qualifications Framework (PQF) distinguishes eight levels of qualifications. Each level within the framework is described by generic descriptors, which characterise the required learning outcomes for each level. The aim of the PQF’s descriptors is to capture the full spectrum of learning outcomes, from the lowest to the highest level.

Descriptors take into consideration both learning that takes place in the workplace, as well as in an educational setting. This also includes initial education or training (in school/at a higher education institution) and learning occurring at later stages (after having completed education in school/at a higher education institution, for example, during vocational work).
The PQF takes into account learning outcomes achieved in the formal and non-formal educational systems, as well as through informal learning.

As in the EQF, the PQF divides learning outcomes into three groups, as follows:
  • Knowledge – a set of substantiated judgements (a body of facts, theories and principles of conduct) resulting from the cognitive activity of a human being. In the context of the European Qualifications Framework, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.
  • Skills – the ability to apply knowledge and use know-how to complete tasks and solve problems. In the context of the EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments).
  • Social competence – the proven ability (in work, study situations and personal development) to use knowledge and skills within the context of an internalised system of values. The EQF describes social competence in terms of responsibility and autonomy.
Descriptors of each successive qualification level in the PQF differ from those of the preceding (lower) levels. These differences are significant and relate to the amount and depth of knowledge, degree of complexity/difficulty of required skills and the level of independence and ability to assume responsibility for one’s own work, activities or study (and at higher levels, also that of other persons).

In accordance with the approved concept of qualifications frameworks in Europe, level descriptors in the Polish Qualifications Framework are generic, that is, they are generally formulated, and as such can refer to various fields. Descriptors in the European Qualifications Framework serve as the reference for the structure of the Polish Qualifications Framework. This enables the proposed Polish qualification levels to be clearly referenced to the eight levels distinguished in the EQF.

The Polish Qualifications Framework has descriptors that vary in their level of detail and field they describe. The PQF distinguishes three degrees of descriptor genericness. The first degree is generic descriptors with a universal character. These relate to learning outcomes at all levels and refer to general, higher and vocational education. The second degree is generic descriptors that describe the differences occurring between general, vocational and higher education. These include:
  • learning outcome descriptors appropriate for general education. These descriptors may be applied to other sectors, but they are not universal. They describe the learning outcomes for levels 1-4.
  • learning outcome descriptors appropriate for vocational education. These descriptors may be applied to other sectors, but they are not universal. They describe the learning outcomes for levels 1-8.
  • learning outcome descriptors appropriate for higher education. These descriptors may be applied to other sectors, but they are not universal. They describe the learning outcomes for levels 5-8.
Examples of descriptors from the third degree of genericness are those developed for the eight areas of higher education. Initial analyses show that third degree generic descriptors will include some of the curriculum requirements for general education. Descriptors of the third degree of genericness will also include those descriptors for the sectoral qualifications frameworks.

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