
PQF Register

It is assumed that the Polish qualifications system will distinguish between “full” and the narrower in scope “partial” qualifications (always assigned to a specific level). Obtaining full qualifications will enable a person to begin the process of achieving full qualifications at a higher level. Acquiring “partial” qualifications at a given level will not provide the basis for beginning the process of achieving full qualifications at a higher level, but will mean that a portion of the requirements required for a particular full qualification have been fulfilled (and these may be accredited to the same qualification as in the area where the partial qualification was achieved, or to a higher or lower level).

Each full qualification shall have its minimal “volume” (“size”) defined – the scope and level of achieving its constituent learning outcomes, including a minimal “volume” of learning outcomes at a level equal to at least the level of that qualification.
Qualifications can be:
  • awarded by one institution (monopoly),
  • awarded by several institutions,
  • awarded by several institutions that will be authorised by an accrediting institution responsible for a given qualification.
The certifying institution (awarding qualifications) will not be able to reserve the right to award a specific qualification (other institutions will also be able to do so to the extent that they fulfil the criteria described in the qualification). It is presumed that the number of qualifications awarded in a monopolistic manner will be limited in the qualifications system.

The fundamental element of the system will be the national qualifications register, which is to be created as the result of legislation. The national qualifications register will include essential information on each registered qualification, including the requirements for learning outcomes, the validation process and the authorising bodies for awarding the qualification. The national qualifications register will be operated by an institution appointed for this purpose.

The law will require the register to include full qualifications (for example, the upper secondary school matriculation exams), as well as selected partial qualifications (for example, single qualifications included in the standard set for a particular occupation).
As part of the work in creating the qualifications system, qualifications attained in the school and higher education systems will be reviewed from the perspective of their conformity with the requirements set forth in the Polish Qualification Framework. Corrections to the qualifications requirements will be proposed where needed to ensure coherence with the PQF descriptors.

Some of the qualifications will be mandated to be entered into the register as proposed by the appropriate awarding institution (INQS) for the particular qualification. This will apply to those qualifications that have significance for ensuring personal safety, such as, for example, pilots, drivers, electricians and the qualifications of regulated occupations.

The list of qualifications with significant meaning for safety will be determined from the outset (with the opinions of social partners taken into account) and formulated in the legal regulations of the qualifications system. These regulations will also define the maximum amount of time required to enter the qualification into the register.

In the case of the remaining qualifications, register entries will be made at the proposal of the entity/group interested in awarding the given qualification based on the procedure described by law. The aim of the national policy will be to counteract the fragmentation of qualifications, in effect, their devaluation, and also to limit the establishment or maintenance of monopolies in the qualifications system that could negatively affect the country’s development, including popularizing the idea of lifelong learning. The institution for the national qualifications system will decide to enter a qualification into the register based on an assessment of the documentation presented by the entity proposing its inclusion. The assessment will be based on the premises described in regulations related to achieving the aim of national policies.

The decision of the institution for the NQS will be subject to appeal to appropriate national administrative body.

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