
Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Information Technology (SQF IT)

TourismThis publication presents information on the development of the Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Information Technology, carried out in 2014−2015. A project was initiated to develop a sectoral qualifications framework that would elaborate the level descriptors of the Polish Qualifications Framework for the information technology sector.

The work undertaken to develop sectoral qualifications frameworks was the basis for initiating joint, intensive activities in the IT sector so that its qualifications would not be found at the margins of the current mechanisms being implemented in Poland to maintain the value of employees in the labour market and facilitate lifelong learning.

It is expected that implementing the sectoral qualifications framework will contribute to:
  • increased transparency of the qualifications awarded in the sector,
  • the development of more adequate qualifications to meet the needs of employers in the sector,
  • the design of more adequate education and training programmes for the labour market,
  • the identification of key competence areas for the sector.

As a result, SQF IT will serve as a tool to facilitate the alignment of PQF levels with specific sectoral qualifications, which in turn will allow qualifications to be better understood and benchmarked, develop conditions for the increased mobility of IT professionals, and enable a more informed and personalised approach to career development.

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