
Developing of the Qualifications System

The current stage of work on the NQS is being conducted at the Educational Research Institute within the project entitled “The development of terms of reference for the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework and the National Qualifications Register for lifelong learning”.   

The results of the project include:
  • The final design of the Polish Qualifications Framework, that is, the development of such a framework model, which coherently and harmoniously links and organises learning outcomes acquired at various levels of general, higher and vocational education – described, for example, in the case of formal education, in laws and regulations. The PQF project will include a table of descriptors, that is, descriptions of required learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences) for each level. In their work, project team members take into consideration international experiences, the Polish educational model and the results of the first stage of work on the NQS.
  • Preparing the Polish referencing report, that is, relating the PQF to the European Qualifications Framework. Work on this aspect of the project is being conducted with the support of international experts.
  • Developing the general principles for the national qualifications system and the national qualifications register, taking into consideration the recommendations ensuing from international experiences in the process of introducing national frameworks in developing the PQF/NQS in Poland. This includes developing proposals for national quality assurance standards for qualifications, validating competences acquired through formal, non-formal and informal pathways, a credit accumulation and transfer system, and assigning qualifications to levels in the PQF. Since the required learning outcomes and qualifications quality assurance standards in formal education are legally defined in the Act on education and higher education, assigning such qualifications to levels will be fairly straightforward. However, this is not the case for the entire market of non-formal education, which will require the determination of specific procedures.
  • Promoting the concept of the NQF and strategies for lifelong learning. In other words, creating a social base that supports the implementation of the NQF in Poland. This includes creating a portal for the Polish Qualifications Framework - a source of information on the qualifications and their levels that are available in Poland, and how they can be acquired.
Project activities are being implemented through:
  • Research and analyses to help design a coherent qualifications system in Poland,
  • Public debates to allow the viewpoints and experiences of participants in the qualifications system to be considered and incorporated,
  • The use of expert knowledge, with the involvement of experts from Poland and other countries.
An important element in the work being conducted is the presentation and consultation of project results with departmental representatives, especially at the Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, as well as with representatives of other projects supporting the introduction of qualifications frameworks in Poland related to various fields of education and the labour market.

Project results are regularly presented to the Steering Committee for the National Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning, with work continuing after the Committee approves each stage.

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