
The Scots at IBE

The Scots at IBEA seminar will be held October 3 on determining the levels of qualifications. The seminar is being organised by the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Partnership and the Educational Research Institute. Experts from IBE and the SCQFP will exchange experiences within the context of developing the Polish qualifications system.

13.45 - The levels descriptors of the Scottish Qualifications Framework - introduction

14.15 - The Scottish method of determining the level of a qualification in practice

  • Determining national learning hours and the profile of a typical learner, using the example of a selected qualification
  • The relation between the volume of a qualification, applying the principle of the equality of the constituent parts of a qualification, proportionality

15.20 - Coffee break

15.30 - The course of the work on determining the level of a qualification in Poland

16.00 - The Polish method of determining the level of a qualification in practice

  • Applying the „five steps” method using the example of the „Preparing meals and beverages” qualification

16.45 - Discussion – similarities and differences between the Scottish and Polish methods of determining the level of a qualification

17.30 - Summary of the seminar


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What is the Polish Qualifications Framework and what benefits does it bring for everyone? Find out in a simple and accessible new animated presentation from the National Qualifications Framework project at the Educational Research Institute.

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