
Polish Referencing Report

okladka RS EN miniPolish Referencing Report is now availabe in English on our website. The report references the proposed Polish Qualifications Framework (PQF) to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). It also presents the course and progress of work on other projects undertaken to modernise the national qualifications system in Poland. It shows that Poland meets the ten referencing criteria defined by the EQF Advisory Group.

In its annexes, the report also includes information on terminology, tables of learning outcomes required for selected qualifications with their PQF level descriptors – universal and those typical for the different types of education, a detailed description of the Polish educational system, as well as the opinions of international experts.

The report is addressed to both Polish stakeholders engaged in this field, as well as to individuals and institutions from different countries that are involved in implementing the Recommendation of the European Parliament on the EQF. The report is also intended to be an official source of information on the direction of work undertaken to modernise the national qualifications system in Poland.


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What is the Polish Qualifications Framework and what benefits does it bring for everyone? Find out in a simple and accessible new animated presentation from the National Qualifications Framework project at the Educational Research Institute.

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